Source code for mistletoe.span_tokenizer

Inline tokenizer for mistletoe.
from mistletoe.parse_context import get_parse_context

[docs]def tokenize_span(string, token_types=None): """Convert a string to a list of span tokens. :param string: the string to parse :param token_types: override block-level tokens set in global context :returns: list of span-level token instances. """ if token_types is None: token_types = get_parse_context().span_tokens *token_types, fallback_token = token_types tokens = find_tokens(string, token_types, fallback_token) token_buffer = [] if tokens: prev = tokens[0] for curr in tokens[1:]: prev = eval_tokens(prev, curr, token_buffer) token_buffer.append(prev) return make_tokens(token_buffer, 0, len(string), string, fallback_token)
def find_tokens(string, token_types, fallback_token): tokens = [] for token_type in token_types: for m in token_type.find(string): tokens.append( ParseToken(m.start(), m.end(), m, string, token_type, fallback_token) ) return sorted(tokens) def eval_tokens(x, y, token_buffer): r = relation(x, y) if r == 0: token_buffer.append(x) return y if r == 1: return x if x.cls.precedence >= y.cls.precedence else y if r == 2: x.append_child(y) return x return x def eval_new_child(parent, child): last_child = parent.children[-1] r = relation(last_child, child) if r == 0: parent.children.append(child) elif r == 1 and last_child.cls.precedence < child.cls.precedence: parent.children[-1] = child elif r == 2: last_child.append_child(child) def relation(x, y): if x.end <= y.start: return 0 # x preceeds y if x.end >= y.end: if x.parse_start <= y.start and x.parse_end >= y.end: return 2 # x contains y if x.parse_end <= y.start: return 3 # ignore y return 1 # x intersects y def make_tokens(tokens, start, end, string, fallback_token): result = [] prev_end = start for token in tokens: if token.start > prev_end: t =[prev_end : token.start]) if t is not None: result.append(t) t = token.make() if t is not None: result.append(t) prev_end = token.end if prev_end != end: result.append([prev_end:end])) return result class ParseToken: def __init__(self, start, end, match, string, cls, fallback_token): self.start = start self.end = end self.parse_start = match.start(cls.parse_group) self.parse_end = match.end(cls.parse_group) self.match = match self.string = string self.cls = cls self.fallback_token = fallback_token self.children = [] def append_child(self, child): if self.cls.parse_inner: if not self.children: self.children.append(child) else: eval_new_child(self, child) def make(self): if not self.cls.parse_inner: return children = make_tokens( self.children, self.parse_start, self.parse_end, self.string, self.fallback_token, ) token = token.children = children return token def __lt__(self, other): return self.start < other.start def __repr__(self): pattern = "<ParseToken span=({},{}) parse_span=({},{}) cls={} children={}>" return pattern.format( self.start, self.end, self.parse_start, self.parse_end, repr(self.cls.__name__), self.children, )