Core Block Tokens

These block tokens are defined in the CommonMark specification.





Level 1-6 headings, denoted by number of #

### Heading level 3


Underlined header (using multiple = or -)



General block of text

any *text*


quoted block of text

> this is a quote


indented text (4 spaces or a tab)

    included as literal


enclosed in 3 or more backticks with an optional language name

print('this is python')


Creates a horizontal line in the output



bullet points or enumerated.

- item
  - nested item
1. numbered item


A substitution for an inline link, which can have a reference target (no spaces), and an optional title (in )

[key]: "a title"


Any valid HTML (rendered in HTML output only)

<p>some text</p>


class mistletoe.block_tokens.Document(*, children: List[mistletoe.base_elements.Token], link_definitions: dict = NOTHING, footnotes: Dict[str, mistletoe.base_elements.Token] = NOTHING, footref_order: list = NOTHING, front_matter: Optional[mistletoe.block_tokens.FrontMatter] = None)[source]

Bases: mistletoe.base_elements.BlockToken

Document container.

  • children (List[mistletoe.base_elements.Token]) – Child tokens list

  • link_definitions (dict) – Mapping of keys to (url, title) (default: Factory(factory=<class ‘dict’>, takes_self=False))

  • footnotes (Dict[str, mistletoe.base_elements.Token]) – Footnote tokens mapped to their target names (default: Factory(factory=<class ‘dict’>, takes_self=False))

  • footref_order (list) – A set of footnote targets, in the order they are referenced in the document. (default: Factory(factory=<class ‘list’>, takes_self=False))

  • front_matter (mistletoe.block_tokens.FrontMatter, NoneType) – Front matter YAML block (default: None)

classmethod read(lines: Union[str, List[str], mistletoe.base_elements.SourceLines], reset_definitions: bool = True, skip_tokens: list = ('LinkDefinition', 'Footnote'), front_matter: bool = False)[source]

Read a document

  • lines – Lines to parse

  • reset_definitions – remove any previously stored definitions in the global context (see ParseContext.reset_definitions()).

  • skip_tokens – do not store these in the syntax tree. These are usually tokens that store themselves in the global context.

  • front_matter – search for an initial YAML block front matter block (note this is not strictly CommonMark compliant)

Atx Heading

class mistletoe.block_tokens.Heading(*, level: int, children: List[mistletoe.base_elements.Token], position: mistletoe.base_elements.Position = None)[source]

Bases: mistletoe.base_elements.BlockToken

Heading token. ([“### some heading ###n”])

Boundary between span-level and block-level tokens.

classmethod start(line)[source]

Takes a line from the document as argument, and returns a boolean representing whether that line marks the start of the current token. Every subclass of BlockToken must define a start function (see block_tokenizer.tokenize_main).

classmethod read(lines, expand_spans=False)[source]

takes the rest of the lines in the document as an iterator (including the start line), and consumes all the lines that should be read into this token.

The default is to stop at an empty line.

Setext Heading

class mistletoe.block_tokens.SetextHeading(*, level: int, children: List[mistletoe.base_elements.Token], position: mistletoe.base_elements.Position = None)[source]

Bases: mistletoe.base_elements.BlockToken

Setext headings.

Not included in the parsing process, but returned by

classmethod start(line)[source]

Takes a line from the document as argument, and returns a boolean representing whether that line marks the start of the current token. Every subclass of BlockToken must define a start function (see block_tokenizer.tokenize_main).

classmethod read(lines)[source]

takes the rest of the lines in the document as an iterator (including the start line), and consumes all the lines that should be read into this token.

The default is to stop at an empty line.


class mistletoe.block_tokens.Paragraph(*, children: List[mistletoe.base_elements.Token], position: mistletoe.base_elements.Position = None)[source]

Bases: mistletoe.base_elements.BlockToken

Paragraph token. ([“somen”, “continuousn”, “linesn”])

Boundary between span-level and block-level tokens.

static start(line)[source]

Takes a line from the document as argument, and returns a boolean representing whether that line marks the start of the current token. Every subclass of BlockToken must define a start function (see block_tokenizer.tokenize_main).

classmethod read(lines, expand_spans=False)[source]

takes the rest of the lines in the document as an iterator (including the start line), and consumes all the lines that should be read into this token.

The default is to stop at an empty line.


class mistletoe.block_tokens.Quote(*, children: List[mistletoe.base_elements.Token], position: mistletoe.base_elements.Position = None)[source]

Bases: mistletoe.base_elements.BlockToken

Quote token. ([“> # headingn”, “> paragraphn”]).

static start(line)[source]

Takes a line from the document as argument, and returns a boolean representing whether that line marks the start of the current token. Every subclass of BlockToken must define a start function (see block_tokenizer.tokenize_main).

classmethod read(lines)[source]

takes the rest of the lines in the document as an iterator (including the start line), and consumes all the lines that should be read into this token.

The default is to stop at an empty line.


class mistletoe.block_tokens.BlockCode(*, children: List[mistletoe.base_elements.Token], language: str = '', position: mistletoe.base_elements.Position = None)[source]

Bases: mistletoe.base_elements.BlockToken

Indented code.

static start(line)[source]

Takes a line from the document as argument, and returns a boolean representing whether that line marks the start of the current token. Every subclass of BlockToken must define a start function (see block_tokenizer.tokenize_main).

classmethod read(lines)[source]

takes the rest of the lines in the document as an iterator (including the start line), and consumes all the lines that should be read into this token.

The default is to stop at an empty line.


class mistletoe.block_tokens.CodeFence(*, children: List[mistletoe.base_elements.Token], language: str = '', arguments: str = '', position: mistletoe.base_elements.Position = None)[source]

Bases: mistletoe.base_elements.BlockToken

Code fence. ([“`sh\n", "rm -rf /", ..., "`”])

Boundary between span-level and block-level tokens.

See <>

classmethod start(line)[source]

Takes a line from the document as argument, and returns a boolean representing whether that line marks the start of the current token. Every subclass of BlockToken must define a start function (see block_tokenizer.tokenize_main).

classmethod read(lines)[source]

takes the rest of the lines in the document as an iterator (including the start line), and consumes all the lines that should be read into this token.

The default is to stop at an empty line.


class mistletoe.block_tokens.List(*, children: List[mistletoe.base_elements.Token], loose: bool, start_at: Optional[int], position: mistletoe.base_elements.Position = None)[source]

Bases: mistletoe.base_elements.BlockToken

List token (unordered or ordered)

classmethod start(line)[source]

Takes a line from the document as argument, and returns a boolean representing whether that line marks the start of the current token. Every subclass of BlockToken must define a start function (see block_tokenizer.tokenize_main).

classmethod read(lines)[source]

takes the rest of the lines in the document as an iterator (including the start line), and consumes all the lines that should be read into this token.

The default is to stop at an empty line.


class mistletoe.block_tokens.ListItem(*, children: List[mistletoe.base_elements.Token], loose: bool, leader: str, prepend: int, next_marker=None, position: mistletoe.base_elements.Position = None)[source]

Bases: mistletoe.base_elements.BlockToken

List items.

Not included in the parsing process, but called by List.

classmethod parse_marker(line)[source]

Returns a pair (prepend, leader) if the line has a valid leader.

classmethod read(lines, prev_marker=None)[source]

takes the rest of the lines in the document as an iterator (including the start line), and consumes all the lines that should be read into this token.

The default is to stop at an empty line.


class mistletoe.block_tokens.LinkDefinition(*, definitions: list, position: mistletoe.base_elements.Position = None)[source]

Bases: mistletoe.base_elements.BlockToken

LinkDefinition token: [ref]: url “title”

These are stores in Document.link_definitions in the final syntax tree.

classmethod start(line)[source]

Takes a line from the document as argument, and returns a boolean representing whether that line marks the start of the current token. Every subclass of BlockToken must define a start function (see block_tokenizer.tokenize_main).

classmethod read(lines: mistletoe.base_elements.SourceLines)[source]

takes the rest of the lines in the document as an iterator (including the start line), and consumes all the lines that should be read into this token.

The default is to stop at an empty line.


class mistletoe.block_tokens.ThematicBreak(*, position: mistletoe.base_elements.Position = None)[source]

Bases: mistletoe.base_elements.BlockToken

Thematic break token (a.k.a. horizontal rule.)


position (mistletoe.base_elements.Position) – Line position in source text (default: None)

classmethod start(line)[source]

Takes a line from the document as argument, and returns a boolean representing whether that line marks the start of the current token. Every subclass of BlockToken must define a start function (see block_tokenizer.tokenize_main).

classmethod read(lines)[source]

takes the rest of the lines in the document as an iterator (including the start line), and consumes all the lines that should be read into this token.

The default is to stop at an empty line.


class mistletoe.block_tokens.HTMLBlock(*, content: str, position: mistletoe.base_elements.Position = None)[source]

Bases: mistletoe.base_elements.BlockToken

Block-level HTML token.

classmethod start(line)[source]

Takes a line from the document as argument, and returns a boolean representing whether that line marks the start of the current token. Every subclass of BlockToken must define a start function (see block_tokenizer.tokenize_main).

classmethod read(lines)[source]

takes the rest of the lines in the document as an iterator (including the start line), and consumes all the lines that should be read into this token.

The default is to stop at an empty line.