
CI Status Coverage Code style: black Documentation Status

Code Style

Code style is tested using flake8, with the configuration set in .flake8, and code formatted with black.

Installing with mistletoe-ebp[code_style] makes the pre-commit package available, which will ensure this style is met before commits are submitted, by reformatting the code and testing for lint errors. It can be setup by:

>> cd mistletoe-ebp
>> pre-commit install

Optionally you can run black and flake8 separately:

>> black .
>> flake8 .

Editors like VS Code also have automatic code reformat utilities, which can adhere to this standard.

All functions and class methods should be annotated with types and include a docstring. The prefered docstring format is outlined in mistletoe-ebp/docstring.fmt.mustache and can be used automatically with the autodocstring VS Code extension.


For code tests:

>> cd mistletoe-ebp
>> pytest

For documentation build tests:

>> cd mistletoe-ebp/docs
>> make clean
>> make html-strict

Pull Requests

To contribute, make Pull Requests to the master branch (this is the default branch). A PR can consist of one or multiple commits. Before you open a PR, make sure to clean up your commit history and create the commits that you think best divide up the total work as outlined above (use git rebase and git commit --amend). Ensure all commit messages clearly summarise the changes in the header and the problem that this commit is solving in the body.

Merging pull requests: There are three ways of ‘merging’ pull requests on GitHub:

  • Squash and merge: take all commits, squash them into a single one and put it on top of the base branch. Choose this for pull requests that address a single issue and are well represented by a single commit. Make sure to clean the commit message (title & body)

  • Rebase and merge: take all commits and ‘recreate’ them on top of the base branch. All commits will be recreated with new hashes. Choose this for pull requests that require more than a single commit. Examples: PRs that contain multiple commits with individually significant changes; PRs that have commits from different authors (squashing commits would remove attribution)

  • Merge with merge commit: put all commits as they are on the base branch, with a merge commit on top Choose for collaborative PRs with many commits. Here, the merge commit provides actual benefits.