Source code for mistletoe.base_elements

from collections import namedtuple
import json
from typing import List, Optional, Pattern

import attr

WalkItem = namedtuple("WalkItem", ["node", "parent", "depth"])

[docs]class Token: """Base class of all mistletoe tokens.""" def __getattr__(self, name): # ensure certain attributes are always available if name == "children": return None if name == "content": return "" raise AttributeError(name) @property def name(self) -> str: """Return the name of the element.""" return type(self).__name__ def __contains__(self, text: str): """Return is text is contained in the element or its ancestors.""" if self.children is None: return text in self.content return any(text in child for child in self.children) def __repr__(self): """A base represent method, that can be overriden for more complex elements.""" info = [] if self.children is not None: info.append("children={}".format(len(self.children))) return "{}({})".format(, ",".join(info))
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> dict: """Convert instatiated attributes to a dict""" try: return attr.asdict(self, recurse=False) except attr.exceptions.NotAnAttrsClassError: return self.__dict__
[docs] def walk( self, tokens: Optional[List[str]] = None, depth: Optional[int] = None, include_self: bool = False, ) -> WalkItem: """Traverse the syntax tree, recursively yielding children. :param elements: filter children by certain token names. :param depth: The depth to recurse into the tree. :param include_self: whether to first yield this element. :yield: A container for an element, its parent and depth """ current_depth = 0 if include_self: yield WalkItem(self, None, current_depth) next_children = [(self, c) for c in self.children or []] if == "Table" and getattr(self, "header", None) is not None: # table headers row next_children.append((self, self.header)) while next_children and (depth is None or current_depth > depth): current_depth += 1 new_children = [] for idx, (parent, child) in enumerate(next_children): if tokens is None or in tokens: yield WalkItem(child, parent, current_depth) new_children.extend([(child, c) for c in child.children or []]) if == "Table" and getattr(child, "header", None) is not None: # table headers row new_children.append((child, child.header)) next_children = new_children
[docs]class TokenEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """A JSON encoder for mistletoe tokens."""
[docs] def default(self, obj): """Convert tokens to `{ token.to_dict()}`, and expand `SpanContainer`. """ if isinstance(obj, SpanContainer): return list(obj.expand()) if isinstance(obj, Token): return { obj.to_dict()} return super().default(obj)
[docs]def serialize_tokens(tokens, as_dict=False): """Serialize one or more tokens, to a JSON representation.""" string = json.dumps(tokens, cls=TokenEncoder) if as_dict: return json.loads(string) return string
[docs]class SpanContainer: """This is a container for inline span text. We use it in order to delay the assessment of span text, when parsing a document, so that all link definitions can be gathered first. After the initial block parse, we walk through the document and replace these span containers with the actual span tokens (see `block_tokenizer.tokenize_main`). """ def __init__(self, text): """Store text for later tokenisation.""" self.text = text
[docs] def expand(self): """Apply `tokenize_span` to text.""" from mistletoe.span_tokenizer import tokenize_span return tokenize_span(self.text)
def __iter__(self): for _ in []: yield def __len__(self): return 0
[docs]class BlockToken(Token): """Base class for block-level tokens. Recursively parse inner tokens. Naming conventions: * lines denotes a list of (possibly unparsed) input lines, and is commonly used as the argument name for constructors. * BlockToken.children is a list with all the inner tokens (thus if a token has children attribute, it is not a leaf node; if a token calls tokenize_span, it is the boundary between span-level tokens and block-level tokens); * BlockToken.start takes a line from the document as argument, and returns a boolean representing whether that line marks the start of the current token. Every subclass of BlockToken must define a start function (see block_tokenizer.tokenize). * takes the rest of the lines in the document as an iterator (including the start line), and consumes all the lines that should be read into this token. Default to stop at an empty line. Note that `` returns a token (or None). If returns None, the read result is ignored, but the token class is responsible for resetting the iterator to a previous state. See `block_tokenizer.FileWrapper.anchor`, `block_tokenizer.FileWrapper.reset`. """
[docs] @classmethod def start(cls, line: str) -> bool: """Takes a line from the document as argument, and returns a boolean representing whether that line marks the start of the current token. Every subclass of BlockToken must define a start function (see `block_tokenizer.tokenize_main`). """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, lines) -> Optional[Token]: """takes the rest of the lines in the document as an iterator (including the start line), and consumes all the lines that should be read into this token. The default is to stop at an empty line. """ line_buffer = [next(lines)] for line in lines: if line == "\n": break line_buffer.append(line) return line_buffer
[docs]class SpanToken(Token): """Base class for span-level tokens. :cvar pattern: regex pattern to search for. :cvar parse_inner: whether to do a nested parse of the content :cvar parse_group: the group within the pattern match corresponding to the content :cvar precedence: Alter the relative order by which the span token is assessed. :param content: raw string content of the token :param children: list of child tokens """ pattern = None parse_inner = True parse_group = 1 precedence = 5 def __init__( self, *, content: Optional[str] = None, children: Optional[list] = None ): if content is not None: self.content = content if children is not None: self.children = children
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, match: Pattern): """Take a pattern match and return the instatiated token.""" if not cls.parse_inner: return cls( return cls()
[docs] @classmethod def find(cls, string: str): """Find all tokens, matching a pattern in the given string""" if cls.pattern is not None: return cls.pattern.finditer(string) return []