Source code for mistletoe.block_tokens_ext

Extended block tokens, that are not part of the CommonMark spec.
from itertools import zip_longest
import re
from typing import Optional, Tuple
from typing import List as ListType

import attr

from mistletoe.attr_doc import autodoc
from mistletoe.base_elements import Token, BlockToken, SpanContainer

__all__ = ["TableCell", "TableRow", "Table"]

[docs]@autodoc @attr.s(slots=True, kw_only=True) class TableCell(BlockToken): """Table cell token. Boundary between span-level and block-level tokens. """ children: ListType[Token] = attr.ib( repr=lambda c: str(len(c)), metadata={"doc": "Child tokens list"} ) align: Optional[int] = attr.ib( metadata={ "doc": "align options for the cell (left=None (default), center=0, right=1)" } ) position: Tuple[int, int] = attr.ib( metadata={"doc": "Line position in source text (start, end)"} )
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, content, align=None, expand_spans=False, lineno=0): children = SpanContainer(content) if expand_spans: children = children.expand() return cls(children=children, align=align, position=(lineno, lineno))
[docs]@autodoc @attr.s(slots=True, kw_only=True) class TableRow(BlockToken): """Table row token.""" children: ListType[TableCell] = attr.ib( repr=lambda c: str(len(c)), metadata={"doc": "Child tokens list"} ) row_align: list = attr.ib( metadata={ "doc": "align options for columns (left=None (default), center=0, right=1)" } ) position: Tuple[int, int] = attr.ib( metadata={"doc": "Line position in source text (start, end)"} )
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, line, row_align=None, lineno=0): row_align = row_align or [None] cells = filter(None, line.strip().split("|")) children = [ if cell else "", align, lineno=lineno) for cell, align in zip_longest(cells, row_align) ] return cls(children=children, row_align=row_align, position=(lineno, lineno))
[docs]@autodoc @attr.s(slots=True, kw_only=True) class Table(BlockToken): """Table token. **Note**: header delimiters must be of at least length 3 (`---`) Example:: | Left Align | Centered | Right Align | | :--- | :----: | ---: | | Header | Title | Here's this | | Paragraph | Text | And more | """ children: ListType[TableRow] = attr.ib( repr=lambda c: str(len(c)), metadata={"doc": "Child tokens list"} ) header: Optional[TableRow] = attr.ib(metadata={"doc": "The header row"}) column_align: list = attr.ib( metadata={ "doc": "align options for columns (left=None (default), center=0, right=1)" } ) position: Tuple[int, int] = attr.ib( metadata={"doc": "Line position in source text (start, end)"} )
[docs] @staticmethod def split_delimiter(delimiter: str): """Helper function; returns a list of align options. :param delimiter: e.g.: `| :--- | :---: | ---: |` :return: a list of align options (None, 0 or 1). """ return re.findall(r":?---+:?", delimiter)
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_align(column): """Helper function; returns align option from cell content. :return: None if align = left; 0 if align = center; 1 if align = right. """ return (0 if column[0] == ":" else 1) if column[-1] == ":" else None
[docs] @staticmethod def start(line): return "|" in line
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, lines): start_line = lines.lineno + 1 lines.anchor() line_buffer = [next(lines)] while lines.peek() is not None and "|" in lines.peek(): line_buffer.append(next(lines)) if len(line_buffer) < 2 or "---" not in line_buffer[1]: lines.reset() return None if "---" in line_buffer[1]: column_align = [ cls.parse_align(column) for column in cls.split_delimiter(line_buffer[1]) ] header =[0], column_align, lineno=start_line) children = [, column_align, lineno=start_line + i) for i, line in enumerate(line_buffer[2:], 2) ] else: column_align = [None] header = None children = [, lineno=start_line + i) for i, line in enumerate(line_buffer) ] return cls( children=children, column_align=column_align, header=header, position=(start_line, lines.lineno), )